Magnum Grow Rosefood 8-10-8 with chelated micronutrients and soil penetrant is a complete one-step water soluble concentrated plant food especially formulated to meet the comprehensive nutritional demands of growing roses. Eliminates the need for use of multiple plant food products. This special formulation contains fast acting and slow releasing forms of nitrogen and appropriate amounts of available phosphoric acid, potash as well as the four important chelated elements essential for growth namely; iron, copper, manganese, and molybdenum. Incorporation of magnesium sulfate essential to assisting in production of dark green foliage via photosynthesis is a unique added feature as well as the deliberate addition of sulfur to avoid a potential deficiency of this essential element both for substained growth and fungal disease protection. Finally, the soil penetrant ensures nutrients reach the complete root system for plant use. 25 pound bag.
Rate & Combination:
For soil drench dissolve 1 tbl. per gal of water and use as follows:
2 gallons of prepared solution for Hybrid T, and Grandifloras
1 gallon of solution for Floribundas
1/2 gallon of solution for Miniature
As a foliar spray 4 teas. per 4 gallons of water
Rate & Combination:
For soil drench dissolve 1 tbl. per gal of water and use as follows:
2 gallons of prepared solution for Hybrid T, and Grandifloras
1 gallon of solution for Floribundas
1/2 gallon of solution for Miniature
As a foliar spray 4 teas. per 4 gallons of water