Label / MSDS / Product Brochure
PRODUCT INFORMATION: BIOMIN COPPER contains amino acid chelated minerals for soil and foliar application. It is completely available and non-phytoxic to plants when applied according to directions. It is designed to prevent and correct mineral deficiency and to boost crops during critical stage or fast growing periods. It can be applied in combination with nitrogen fertilizer.
SOIL APPLICATION: BIOMIN COPPER can be applied before or at planting as banding or broadcast. The application rate is 1 quart to 1 gallon per acre (2.5 to 10 liters/hectare) depending on soil conditions and application methods. For maintenance, 1 quart per acre (2.5 liters/hectare) is recommended. BIOMIN COPPER should be diluted with enough water to cover the entire acre.
For best results, apply BIOMIN COPPER when the crop is in active growing stage, after irrigation or natural rain fall. For foliar application, it should be diluted with at least 20 times of water. BIOMIN COPPER will lower high pH of water and decrease the hydrolysis of most pesticides.
Biomin Copper Can Be Applied To Strawberry, Lettuce, Tomato, Celery, Stone Fruits, Vegetables, Grapes, Commercial Turf, and Ornamental Gardens.
Product of a NATURAL Process with the Aid of Advanced Technologies
Chelation is a natural process. BIOMIN® takes advantage of this natural process which provides plants with stable chelated nutrients that will correct mineral deficiencies much quicker than conventional inorganic nutrients.
BIOMIN® are bioavailable organic plant nutrients resulting from a unique chelation of mineral nutrients with Amino Acids and natural organic acids. This patented chelation process allows nutrients to be utilized more efficiently by plants.
Advantages of Biomin®
1. Completely bioavailable micro-nutrients maximize yield and quality.
2. Homogeneous ripening with more flavored and high quality fruit.
3. Better absorption and easier translocation.
4. Better fruit-setting and less fruit dropping.
5. Non-phytotoxic to plants.
6. Certified for Organic use.
7. High purity.
Benefits of Using Biomin®
1. Fast correction of mineral nutrient deficiencies.
2. May significantly increase yield and economic benefits.
3. Earlier maturity of plants with better production.
4. More resistance to diseases and severe temperatures.